Thursday, December 10, 2009


Finals have already begun!! Oh, how time flies! I had my speaking final in spanish already and I got a 98/100! I also got student of the month in Spanish! I am turning in another final tomorrow. Then I have lots and lots of study guides to do....
Biology is another class thats going quite good. I have over 100% in that class and I also got student of the month in that class. School is just going fabulous for me!

Canned Food Drive

School's going good and busy. As most of you know we had the canned food drive this moth. It has gone quite well. We have sooo much food. You wouldn't believe it. Iv'e been to all the can collections and they are lots of work, but so much fun. I think we filled up about 6 big huge crates of canned foods. Tomorrow St. Mary's Food Bank is coming to get our cans. Can't wait to see how much all of it weighs! I will let you guys know when I find out. Thanks to all who contributed!!


Well, I haven't posted in quite awhile. Iv'e been busy. Badminton has been over for awhile, just thought I'd let you all know that I'm done with that.