Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Something to ponder...

Here are some riddles that my mom got from work...without an answer key! See if you can figure some out. I only know a few. I will post the answers I know soon!!

1. Shoot at me a thousand times and I may still survive; one scratch from me and you will find your prospects take a dive. What am I?

2. A man takes a barrel that weighs 50 pounds, and then puts something in it. It now weighs less than 50 pounds. What did he put in it?

3.There is a town in New York where 10% of all people living there have unlisted phone numbers. If you selected 100 names at random from the town's phone directory, on average, how many of these people would have unlisted phone numbers?

4. The 22nd and 24th presidents of the United States had the same mother and father, but were not brothers. How is this possible?

5. What word looks the same upside down and backwards?

6. Have you herd the saying What goes up must come down? Well what goes up and never goes down?

7. What runs around a house but dosen't move?

8. If one child has 5 2/3 sand pile and another has 2 1/3, and you combine them, how many sand piles do you have?

9. I can sizzle like bacon, I am made with an egg, I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg, I peel layers like onions, but I still remain whole, I can be long like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole. What am I?

10. Who can shave 25 time a day and still have a beard?

11.What kind of room has no windows or doors?

12. What is the longest word in the English languge?

13. What has a foot on each side and one in the middle?

14.What do you throw out when you want to use it, but take in when you don't want to use it?

And I know the answer to this one...

How far can a dog run into the woods?

Christmas Baking

My mom asks for a smile, and this is what I get.

Some of the over 100 cookies I made.

I gave up on making him look like santa. So I wrote it on there.

We Also got treats from other people!! This tray of snacks was from Heidi, Jaylyn, and Ryker. We also recieved visits from the Cluffs and Martineaus!

Aubrey and Brooke

These pictures were taken at Aubrey and Brooke's Birthday Party! Aubrey is 4 and Brooke is 2 now!!
You know those times where you wish no one knew your name? Well that's what I was thinking. I had all of these little kids calling for me to push them on the swings.
This is Michael. Glenna's son.

This is little miss Brooke, but everyone calls her Bookie. She is 2. Last time I saw her she could hardly sit up! I asked her to smile, thats why she looks like that. And my babysitter, Glenna is the one holding Brooke.

This is my Aubrey!! or as I call her, Aubey!!
I love you!!!!

I was shocked that she remembered me. The last time I saw her before her this was 2 years ago, and she was only 2! Happy 4th Birthday! You are growing up too fast!!

I love you guys!!

Perfect Gatorade moment...almost

It isn't gatorade, but it looks as good as a commercial!

Bubble wrap boy

Turkey Trot

In the Desert Ridge Turkey Trot I got to be the turkey!!!

The Dentist...AHHH!!!!!

I went to the dentist to get a cleaning. Ok, thats not so bad. While Ian and I were getting our teeth cleaned both of our dentists said that we needed sealants. Ian got 4 and I got 6. I hated the way they felt at first, but the I got used to them. Then the dentist came. That is the part I always dread. He said Ian l;ooked great. Then he came to me. He was shocked at my tooth. For those of you that had never seen it: The adult tooth started coming up long before the tooth on top was supposed to fall out. After a while the tooth got loose and the adult one came out more. Then it couldnt. So my adult tooth started growing at an inward angle, and my loose one on top faced the other direction. Not a pretty site. I didn't want to have my tooth pulled out, but the dentist did anyways. It was soo scary! I heard all the cracks and it freaked me out!! He said that my tooth was strong for staying there all that time.He said he had never seen anything like it (I told that to Sean, and guess what he calls me! A freak of nature!). I have now officially lost all of my teeth!! Yay!!!!!

Allison and Melissa: The woman cleaning my teeth and noticed my toes and fingers and complimented you guys.

Doggy bath time!!!

Winnie was the only one who didn't try to scratch a hole through the door, but she made up for it with her little sad puppy look. She had a wagging tail the whole time!

Isabel, on the other hand HATES bathes! When I ever say the B word ( B as in bath) all the dogs go crazy and Isabel goes to dad because he saves her from me for a few minutes.


I always find giving Jack his bath the most fun. I'm not sure why though...

He was really mad at me... I was taking too long...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ive Been Tagged!

4 Things I love:My friends, my family, my pets, & reading!
4 Movies that I could watch more then once:13 Going on 30, Enchanted, Elf, & What a Girl Wants
4 TV Shows that I watch:Ghost Whisperer, Heroes, Animal Cops, & Disney
4 Places Iv'e been:South and North Carolina, California, Texas, & Illinios
4 Places I'd like to go:Hawaii, Washington, Disneyland, & the Four Corners
4 People who Email me regularly: Megan, Christian, Alexa, & Daniel
4 Things I look forward to in the next year: Going to Washington!! (Iget to go this summer!!), school sports, good grades, & hanging out with all of my awesome friends!
4 People I tag: Megan, Lorissa, Lexi, Jeffrey, & Alexa and Melanie!

Funny Funny Cats

Ok, you have to admit that it's funny...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Awesome Nature Pictures

I just had to post all of these pictures. You don't get to see views like this every day. They are just so pretty!!

Jeffrey's Snakes!

Ok, I was sooooo totally excited that I got to hold Jeffrey's snakes. They are so cool. I was holding the small one... untill I got scared because it was hissing at me. Then I got to hold the big huge one (I forgot the name), but there was no picture taken of that one.

Hangin Out at Megan's

Me and Megan sure can take a lot of random pictures...


Hello sam!!!
Gavin was having a good time hanging out with me and Megan.
A puppy!! Thats purple!!! It's a purple poodle!!
Superman rocks!!.... But SUPERGIRL is WAY better!!!!
The bear cant decide what color of a nose to have....

I told you I didn't want my picture taken!!! Gosh!!!
Megan love's her Alaskan Malamute puppy!!

This has been my most random blog ever!!!!! WOOHOO!!!